On the Road Again

Elephant in the river
Elephant in the river

Day 49 Nairobi to Cape Town
Antelope Park, Gweru to Great Zimbabwe Camp, 210kmWe got a well earned sleep in until 09h00, broke down our tents and walked over to the cafe for breakfast where we had bacon and egg sandwiches while watching elephants bathing and foraging on the oxygenated weed in the river. We did a quick update to the blog and prepared for our 13h00 departure towards Great Zimbabwe Campsite.


Before we left Antelope Park Al had the task of trying to remove the stuck UV Filter from Ingrid's 100-400mm L series Lens which was determined not to come off so Ingrid resigned to the fact it was a job for ORMS when we got back to Cape Town.


The trip took 3 hours over some of the old roads which due to the price of bitumen back in the day meant that there was only 2 thin strips on the road which didn't seem to slow down Patrick. We passed through Masving and 20km later entered Great Zimbabwe Camp. We got to see the monument before the sun set, then pitched our tent, had a shower (shared with a couple of toads) and had a well earned dinner before retiring to bed for our 05h00 wake up.