A Day in Nairobi


Day 19 Nairobi to Cape Town
Karen Camp, Nairobi
It was another early start, we had the option to sleep in but decided to enjoy the day and go see a little of Nairobi and maybe find a nice breakfast spot. After a quick cup of coffee "Amos", Smileys brother,  took us to "Junction Shopping Mall" so we could get some last minute things. One thing we have found while being in Africa is shopping for things that may be easy to get in your home country are far from being easy here, for instance camera equipment, Ingrid lost her lens cover cap somewhere in the last 3 weeks, it's is usually not a big issue to get a replacement that would normally cost $5.00 weather through the Internet or in a camera store. However it took us all morning running from one side of Nairobi to the other and after $60.00 in taxi fees, but we found a substitute lens cover for 1700 Kenyan shillings ($17.00USD). All part of the fun.

With our shopping in tow we proceeded back the Karen Camp where we organized all our gear on the truck before settling back into uploading more of our blog. We both felt under the weather for the later part of the day and unfortunately missed out on seeing Chantal & Lucy (friends of Ingrids) & missed out on celebrating Vic's Birthday celebrations with the rest of the guys on the truck so we continued on with getting our blog up to date and to prepare for the exciting next leg of our journey "Heading Southward" plus hopefully fell better before we get to the Serengeti.
