Lusaka, Zambia


Day 42 Nairobi to Cape Town
Jay Jay Ku'ansenga Lodge to Eureka Camp, Lusaka, Zambia 400kmWe pulled away from camp at 07h30 and made it onto newly paved roads for an hour or so then 10-20km sections of paved/dirt roads and finally made it to Eureka Camp on the outskirts of Lusaka (the capital of Zambia). We pulled into Eureka Camp which had zebra and other game wandering the property and setup for the dinner group, then headed to the bar where we met 3 locals Tito & Patrick who worked for the Ministry of Immigration & Roads respectively and "Innocent" who is a refugee from Rwanda and had lost his arm as a child during the Genocide. We ended up chatting to them for most of the evening talking about their amazing country and various business endeavors that would like to do with us...... very interesting :)


We called it a night and headed to bed excited about the day ahead which would take us into Zimbabwe.