
Devil's Pool Victoria Falls

Devil's Pool Victoria Falls

Day 54 Nairobi to Cape TownDancing with the DevilWe were up at 04h30 and ready to go shortly after, we headed off to meet our 06h00 taxi to the ZIM border which was thankfully early 

Train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls

Train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls

Day 51 Nairobi to Cape Town
Bulawayo and transit via train to Victoria Falls Al's cook group was up early preparing breakfast for the group that were heading out on their Rhino Safari 

Kariba Hydroelectric Dam, Between Zambia & Zimbabwe

Kariba Hydroelectric Dam, Between Zambia & Zimbabwe

Day 43 Nairobi to Cape Town
Eureka Camp, Lusaka to Warthogs Camp, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe 190kmWe packed up our tents, showered and after breakfast left Eureka Camp & Lusaka for the 150km trip to the Zimbabwe border crossing.

Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka, Zambia

Day 42 Nairobi to Cape Town
Jay Jay Ku'ansenga Lodge to Eureka Camp, Lusaka, Zambia 400kmWe pulled away from camp at 07h30 and made it onto newly paved roads for an hour or so then 10-20km sections of paved/dirt roads and finally made it to Eureka Camp on the outskirts of Lusaka (the capital of Zambia)